Thursday, September 16, 2010



I thought I'd be ok with this not-going-to-school-this-semester-thing-because-I-need-to-earn-money-for-college thing...but it absolutely sucks. What I mean by that is...I thrive on learning. I love to learn, and I love working on projects that take hours and being content after it's all complete. That sense of accomplishment is missing in my life right now, and I remember the awesome feelings I received because of it. I never realized how much school means to me up until now. I know, I might feel differently if I was going to school, but I don't so I will feel this way until I go to school in the spring. That's just how I am. :)

Also, another thing that is affecting my life right now is not having a job to earn money for said college in the spring. I have had a couple interviews, but I haven't heard back yet. I keep applying to places, but they seem to not have interest. It totally sucks. I need a job badly, and if I did have a job, it would distract me from thinking about how much I want to go to school.

I've labeled my life right now as: Stuck in the Doldrums.


I'm staying positive. Or at least I'm trying to. Luckily I have friends to hang out with in the meantime, and my fantastic fiance. I know things can only get better from here, and I'm hoping for a fun job to come around for me soon enough.

On a happier note, Brandon and I set our wedding date for August 12, 2011. :) I'm super excited! It gives me enough time to plan and whatnot. Plus, I'm not in any hurry unlike a lot of engaged couples. Which isn't bad, don't get me wrong, I'm just not like that. I want my wedding to be nearly perfect(because nothing is ever perfect), and all the major and minor details will be addressed in the amount of time I left for planning. Our engagements will be taken on October 3 because I want the pretty fall colors in the mountains. I love awesome colors! So that should be fun. :) I'll post pictures on Facebook for all to see. And my amazing cousin is taking our pictures, so that should be awesome. :)

On a side note/random rant, people need to grow up. For real. Confront someone if you have a problem with them and let them know how you feel. I'm to the point where I have to make the move since I have no idea what I did wrong to this person. I really shouldn't care or something, but for some odd reason I do. This may be vague to some people hence the random rant.

I love photography. I've been taking pictures again with my grandpa's SLR film camera, and I just developed a roll of film. Some didn't turn out well, but some did. It can be a hit and miss since I'm still an amateur beginner. I hope to teach myself some tricks, and eventually take a few classes up at the U. :)

Also, House starts next week. I. Am. So. Excited. I've been waiting all summer for this show to start up again! :)

Well, this turned out to be pretty long, but hey, it was fun. :) Until next time, ya'll.