Monday, June 8, 2009

Rain Rain go away

Seriously. Please go away. I'm tired of the rain. And thunder. And lightening.

I want to start my outdoor summer activities. Unfortunately, I can't because of the stupid weather. I need to get going on my hiking adventures so I can finally be in shape. I should probably start getting in shape before I go hiking...hmmm...we'll see. It's a great idea though, right? Not only is hiking one of my outdoor activities for this summer, but Lagoon as well. I am officially a 2009 season passport holder and I'm going to use it to the fullest extent. :) I'm sure it will be quite the adventure going with my fellow buddies who also have the pleasure of owning a pass. Even my sister has one, which is also a plus. Special sister-bonding time! Yay! :)

Moving on...

I'm catching up with an old friend. I'm very happy about this because, well, I missed this friend. I missed talking to this person and having those "deep conversations." Those conversations are good for the soul. Really, they are. I like talking to this person and I hope it will continue throughout the summer.

For those of you who don't know, I have a gecko. Yes, a gecko. To be more specific, a T-rex leopard gecko. And I love him to death. His name is Iggy and purchasing him was one of the most spontaneous things I've ever done. :) I like my spontaneous purchase. So yeah, I take care of him now. He's my pet and our family cat, Misha, absolutely loves him as well. It's quite entertaining.

I really enjoy board games. I hope this summer will consist of occasionally playing board games along with my other list of goals I need to accomplish this summer like, read at least 10 books, hike twice a week, go to Lagoon as much as possible, etc. I need to do all those, plus go to work. Making goals for this summer was probably one of the smartest ideas I've come up with in a long time. My time will be well spent as long as I have the motivation and drive. :)

As for now, I'm off. Peace and Love.

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