Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I often forget to live in the present. I always think about the future...and it's like, why? I mean, it's not bad to think about the future. Thinking about the future is pretty helpful when planning what decisions one should make pertaining to a career and that sort of thing. I know in this society people think about the future when it comes to relationships. Like, romantic relationships. Not going to lie, I do it as well. And it can get really irritating.

I want a relationship where I can live one day at a time and not worry about what is going to happen eight months down the line...it causes unnecessary stress. If the relationship ends after a month or so, so be it. It will probably be tough at first, but hey we're all human and we all move on. Life goes on. The good memories shared with that person will still remain in one's head. Remember the happy times and the lessons learned. People often forget that concept and focus on the negative, which isn't entirely a smart idea.

Now, this is easier said than done because, well, we're human, not Vulcans (oh yeah, I just used a Star Trek reference). Emotions are sometimes more powerful than logic. It's...how it is. Unfortunately. Not saying emotions are bad, but it can definitely complicate logical ideas. I'm personally a very emotional person because one: I'm a girl, and two: I rely heavily on emotions. From my experience, let's just say emotion and logic aren't the best of friends. It's like, contradicting to say the least. Maybe that's why I'm such a contradicting person...who knows.

I wish emotion and logic could go hand in hand. But in my eyes, it's very difficult. Sometimes it can work out, but it never really does for me.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm just trying to get all this down in writing. Feel free to criticize or voice your opinion. I'd be happy to hear it. :)

1 comment:

Angela's Crazy Daily's said...

To be honest the only thing that comes to mind is to enjoy who is in your life now and it will help you to live in the moment and not in the future. I believe that the people that matter most are the ones that you dont have to talk to everyday to know that you have a good relationship. wink wink! I love you Sam. Your a great write by the way. I believe I am hurting for some mad writing skills! :)