Thursday, May 7, 2009


Yep, death week is officially over. I'm through with all my finals and now I get to focus on my birthday party/birthday and my upcoming Wisconsin trip. I'm going to be gone for seven days...that is so long. I'm going to miss Utah, but hopefully I'll be distracted in Wisconsin, Minnesota, possibly Chicago, and Ohio. You think I'll be distracted? I think I will be. :)

I'm not sure how my grades will turn out. At least, for a couple of my classes. I'm really hoping I'll pass Statistics, because if I don't, that means I have to take it again or take a different math class. I really want to be done with math for a while. Like, really bad. It's my definite weakness, and I hate it. I wish I was good at math, but in order for me to be good I'd have to be tutored multiple times a day. Unfortunately, I don't have time for that. Blah.

I really like lists. I feel more organized with lists. I'm like a list whore. Well, not really. I just thought it'd be funny to put the word 'whore' on my blog. This seemed like an appropriate time. :) I'm so weird. I love it. :) Sorry if I offended anyone. Not my intention.

Well, I got an A in Badminton. That's no surprise. All you need to do to get an A is show up and participate. Hooray!

I want to take a hiking class again...actually, I don't need a class. I can just go with some people. :)

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