Thursday, April 9, 2009


My Human Growth and Development class had a really good discussion today about books, faith, etc. It was intense! I feel so good right now. So good. I love knowing who I am and I love learning about what people believe because no matter what, I am still the same person. I really want to have a deep discussion with someone right now. It'd be super intense. SUPER intense. Everything that would come out of my mouth would be sincere and honest. No bull crap and whatnot. I LOVE who I am right now, and I don't want it to ever change. People may try, but it won't happen. That's all I gotta say. They can't get through my thick German skin. I'm so happy. :) Even though I have my daily trials and it can sometimes get me down, I still feel great knowing how fortunate I am being alive and healthy. I'm grateful for what I have despite small constant struggles throughout the day. I wake up everyday knowing today is going to be good. Well, most days. It's rare when I wake up sad or unhappy. My unhappiness when I do wake up is if I have to get up early or something. Other than that, I wake up with a good attitude.

If you listen to "If Today was your last day" by Nickelback, it might make your day. Depending on if you like Nickelback. If not, then it might not. But that song is currently my favorite song.

Ah! I can't get over how good I feel. I wish I could explain it, but sometimes I can't explain everything I feel. I just feel it.

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