Sunday, April 5, 2009


It has been quite the weekend. I had a blast dancing to music. Even though I need some sleep since I only got six hours last night, I am doing pretty well. :) I love partying with good friends and eating breakfast with cute guys. This weekend wasn't nearly as good as last weekend, but it was still awesome. I even ate Cafe Rio, Olive Garden, and Cracker Barrel all in the same weekend. That was amazing.

I watched Enchanted this weekend as well. I never realized how funny that movie really is. I watched it with Kortney on Friday, and boy was it awesome. I laughed quite frequently.

Anyway, since the semester is almost over, I have a ton of projects and finals coming up. The word "final" never used to bother me until now because I have three this semester. Last semester I only had one real final. I'm kind of nervous for all these tests. I just need to prep myself in order to do well on all of them. The one I'm most worried about is Statistics. I need to keep a positive attitude and study hardcore in order for me to pass with flying colors. Statistics is also stressing me out because I have a group project to work on, and a individual project due before the class is over. Plus two tests and a final. I never realized a math class could be so brutal. Oh wait, yes I have. Calculus. Except I dropped that class after the first semester. I'm actually following through with Stats.

I have to do an individual presentation for Communications, which should be fairly easy, but I need to get started on it. This month is going to be quite the challenge because I will have another huge take home test for my Human Growth and Development class as well. It's an easy test, but it takes a lot of time.

Wow, I should really stop talking about school or else I'm going to be extremely overwhelmed. Eh, it's bound to happen anyway.

I watched a movie called Never Back Down today. It's a wonderful movie because it's full of good morals and lessons. It kind of reminded me of the O.C., but there was definitely more fighting and such. It's more of a fight movie, but it was extremely intense.

This post is kind of long so I think I'm going to stop writing for the night. I just felt like since I didn't post last night, I needed to make up for it.

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