Saturday, March 21, 2009


I probably spelled dialated wrong, but that's ok.

Anyway, yeah my eyes were dialated today. It's a terrible feeling. I actually disliked the sun today. That never happens. My eyes were so sensitive. It's still a little bit dialated, but definitely not as bad as earlier. Stupid bad vision.

On another note, my closet is almost finished :) That means I can move all of my clothes from my previous room into my new room. It is very good news because now I won't have to go back and forth from room to room to pick out an outfit. Sigh. I'm really excited about this. Yay!

My mom is making dinner and it smells delicious. I also want to go to Old Navy to get some flip flops. I might do that tonight. We'll see. Or I'll watch Twilight with Melissa.

I'm posting earlier than usual because I was bored. I'm still bored, but it's alright. Not how I imagined spending my Saturday night, but hey I've been having fun all week. It's good to have some down time.

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