Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spontaneous Adventure

So...I only did three out of the five things mentioned on my Saturday list. I slept in, went to work, and finished my homework. I didn't get my hair cut or go to that concert.

I went on a spontaneous adventure instead. :)

I go on those a lot lately. Tonight's consisted of me finding pictures to hang in my new room. I found them. And it totally fits me. :) Not only did I that for my spontaneous adventure, but I also went to another scary movie(The Uninvited) at the dollar theaters. With Nicole, Jared, Clint, and their friend Tara. It was a dumb movie, but good company. So it's all good. :) After the movie, we went to Leatherby's. Jared and I shared a banana split. Good stuff.

Oh, I forgot to mention what else I did. So, when I got home from work, I immediately cleaned my car. Inside and out. I feel so much better now. :)

Anyway, back to topic. So, yeah we went to Leatherby's and chilled there for a while and then left. Nicole had to go get gas before she took everyone home so that And then she took me home. It's been a fun night. :)

Tomorrow, I have a work meeting at 11. I'm....semi excited for it? Apparently we're going to play games and eat food...which is always a good thing. :) But I have to go pick up some treats for the meeting before I go to the meeting because I didn't have time tonight with what my spontaneous adventure and stuff...

Btw, I don't have homework over spring break. This is exciting news. :)

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