Saturday, March 14, 2009

IKEA food... really good. Not going to lie. I had some tonight after my sister's soccer game. We went to IKEA to eat and browse around for a mirror and sweet awesome picture for my room. No such luck. But...the food was still good :)

I also had a new visitor in my house tonight. It was fun. :) We watched a few Office episodes on my lap top. Good times. :)

Life works in mysterious ways. I'm always up for the adventure, but I just want to know why time goes so fast. I can hardly catch up to it. I should really stop talking about this "time" issue. It's probably really annoying or something.

Saturday. I love Saturdays. They are almost as good as Fridays. But not quite. Tomorrow will be quite the day, though. :) I get to sleep in, go to work for three hours, possibly get a hair cut, finish up (or maybe I'll do it on Sunday) my communications assignment that is due Monday, and then go to an orchestra concert a couple of my friends are in. It shall be a great day. :)

I love this picture. I took it from my phone. Crazy, eh?


*~Mel~* said...

We should most definitely take an IKEA trip sometime please?

Sam said...

let's do it! haha