Monday, March 30, 2009


My family came home from Vegas tonight. :) It was awesome to see them after four days. They told me fun stories, while I told them fun stories about my weekend without them. My mom even picked me out a shirt from the Coca-Cola factory. It's awesome :)

I went on a hot chocolate run with Kristen tonight. She texted me after she got off work and asked if I wanted to get some hot chocolate. Of course I said yes. We caught up on stuff and exchanged stories about our weekend and such. Good times. I love that girl. She cracks me up.

I've been pretty anxious lately. I guess it's the cause for my stomach acting weird. I swear I have GAD. For those that don't know what that is, it's Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It's not very fun...

I hope this coming weekend turns out to be a fun weekend. It probably won't be like my past weekend, but hopefully it's pretty good. It's only Tuesday and I'm already thinking about my weekend. I'm sick of school. Once I start thinking about finals, I get sick of school. I'm excited for Badminton, though. :)

I should be studying for my Anatomy test, but here I am writing a post. Ah, the beauties of technology and how it stimulates procrastination. I'll just study and write my Human Growth and Development paper tomorrow. Homework for the win!

It really needs to stop snowing. Just bring on the warmth already!

1 comment:

Jaron Frost said...

I agree. This cold weather business is ridiculous. What happened to spring?!