Saturday, March 21, 2009


Another spontaneous adventure. I love spring break. :)

It was a lot of fun. I hung out with Kenny, Peter, and Nicole all night. We visited and brought Melissa a vanilla shake because she got her wisdom teeth out. We hung out there for a while and then went to Burger King because Kenny was hungry. Dude, they have Icees at Burger King. I was excited. Wow. I had to get one. So I did :)

We then decided we wanted to watch a movie. We went to Hollywood Video and browsed for a while, but didn't get one. Instead we got a red box movie. Swing Vote. Good movie, but not realistic. But still, good movie. :)

On the way home from Kenny's house (we watched the movie there), Nicole was driving to take Peter and I home and when we got to Peter's house, this car pulls up by us and inside are people with weird masks and some creepy windchime. They sat there and stared at us and by this point I was spooked. Peter got out of the car pretending he was calling the cops, and they drove away. But I was still scared. Same with Nicole.

She is driving me home, and then we see their car again! They go the opposite direction, but then I look back and they are signaling to make a U turn! Ah! They were pretty far back and I don't think they saw where we turned. Fortunately. But it was still scary!

This is what happens when people are out later than midnight.

On another note, I've been thinking about a lot of "stuff" this past week. Both good and eh. I say eh because I don't want to say bad. It's been a good learning experience for me.

Needless to say, I know how to respond to someone when the time is right. It'll be good.

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