Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Never enough time

Why does everything go so fast?

I wish things would slow down. Just a little bit. I feel like my life keeps going in fast motion.

Things keep changing. So many of my friends are getting their mission calls and leaving for two years. It's going to be so weird for the first few months. It's almost depressing in a way. I mean, I'm totally happy for them and they're doing something they want to do, but seriously two years is such a long time. Everything changes in two years. And I mean everything.

By the time most of my friends come back I'll be working on my Bachelor's degree. It's a very weird concept to think about. Where will I be in two years? Out of state? Still living at home? Going to the U? Engaged (unlikely, but still)? Traveling the world (again, unlikely)? Alone? It's really hard thinking about this kind of thing. I guess I'll do what I always do: go with the motions.

1 comment:

Jaron Frost said...

It is scary to think about everyone leaving. I think it's pretty much decided at this point that I'm not going on my mission... and while people are all kinds of upset and disappointed about it, I just don't think it's the right thing for me to do. It would mess up a lot of things, mostly with Rachel. I know people say this is bad, but we kinda need each other. Not like, we'll die if we're apart for two hours, but we help each other be happy when there's nobody else there to count on. If I left for two years... I would be scared every day about what was going on back home, and I don't even know if I fully believe in all the stuff I should be teaching anyway, so I wouldn't be a very good missionary anyway.

Thank you for the comment on my post :D Talking to my mom would probably be a good idea. I just don't know if I'm brave enough. But I guess I should put some more thought into it...